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Family Rosary Day – Shelton

Este mes de Octubre, su hijo rezará el Santo Rosario en Honor a Nuestra Madre del Cielo. El Rosario se rezará en la escuela Shelton en el horario regular de clases. Ese dia no tendremos clases Los papas y los parientes estan invitados a que vengan a rezar el Santo Rosario, ese es el mejor ejemplo que podemos darle a los ninos.

This month of October your child will pray the Holy Rosary in honor of Our Mother of Heaven. The Rosary will be prayed at Shelton Academy during the regular class time. Parents and relatives are invited to join us in praying the Rosary. That is the best example we can give to our children

Schedule of Rosaries for CCD Shelton

Monday, October 30th @ 5:30 PM: Mrs. Ingrid Kayser, Mrs. Gadriela Garcia, Mrs. Carlos Modrono, Mrs. Guadalupe Alfonozo & Mrs. Iris Bolanos

Tuesday, October 31st @ 4:30 PM: Mrs. Adriana Cisneros, Ms. Paola & Mrs. Brenda Andere, Mrs. Olga Dip Moran & Mrs. Mercedes Cisneros.

Tuesday, October 31st @ 6:00 PM: Mrs. Norma Medina, Mrs. Iris Bolanos, Mrs. Ymack Vicaya, Mrs. Ana Julia Alvarado, Mrs. Sara Fontana, Mrs. Magadalena Duran, Mrs. Mercedes Cobian & Mrs. Yakelin Rondon.

Wednesday, October 25th @ 4:30 PM: Mrs. Lourdes Brime, Mrs. Maria Fernanda Tate, Mrs. Mariana Brime, Mrs. Maribel Haudji, Mrs. Katherine Padilla & Mrs. Brenda Andere.

Wednesday, October 25th @ 6:00 PM: Mrs. Lourdes Brime, Mrs. Iris Bolanos, Mrs. Beatriz Harris, Mrs. Mary Pestana, Mrs.Yakelin Rondon, Mrs. Lisseth Larrazabal, Mrs. Stela Contreras & Mrs. Ymack Vizcaya.


2- The Rosary will be prayed at Shelton Academy
3- PREPARE YOUR LITTLE FAMILY ALTAR: We would like to invite you to prepare your Family Altar with a Statue or Picture of Our Mother of Heaven. The idea is that you bring your Home to the Church, so the Church can go to your Home.

4- Download the following Holy Rosary Flyer.

5- Parents and relatives are invited to join us in praying the Rosary. That is the best example we can give to our children


2- El Rosario se rezara en el Shelton Acadmey
3- MI PEQUENO ALTAR DE FAMILIA: Nos gustaría invitarlos a que preparen su Altar de Familia con una imagen de Nuestra Madre del Cielo (estatua o cuadro), la que ustedes tengan en su casa. La idea es que ustedes traigan su Hogar a la Iglesia, para la Iglesia puede ir a su Hogar.

4- Baje e imprima en casa el Folleto del Santo Rosario

5- Los papas y los parientes estan invitados a que vengan a rezar el Santo Rosario, ese es el mejor ejemplo que podemos darle a los ninos.

Download the flyers/Baje los flyers

Some Examples of the Family Altar