The Registration for Children, Teens, Young Adults, and Adult Catechetical Formation
- Begins on May 1st, 2025, and ends on July 31st, 2025, or when the groups are full.
- This year 2025-2026 the Registration Process will be ONLY online you will not need to come to the Parish Office. / Este año 2025-2026 el Proceso de Inscripcion sera SOLO en linea, ud no necesitara venir a la Oficina de la Parroquia.
- Please take the time to carefully read this page before completing the forms / Por favor tomese el tiempo de cuidadosamente leer esta pagina antes de completar los formularios

1) Groups or Levels of Catechesis / Grupos o Niveles de Catechesis
- Baptism for Children/Teens in school age (1st grade to 10th grade)
- Communion, Confession, and Confirmation classes for Children/Teens in school age (1st grade to 10th grade)
- Classes of Baptism, Communion, Confession, and Confirmation for Young Adults and Adults (grade 11th to 120 years old)
- Classes of Catechesis for Children with Special Needs (Autism, Down Syndrome, etc.)
- Bautismo para niños / adolescentes en edad escolar (1 ° a 10 ° grado)
- Clases de Comunión, Confesión y Confirmación para niños / adolescentes en edad escolar (1 ° a 10 ° grado)
- Clases de Bautismo, Comunión, Confesión y Confirmación para Adultos Jóvenes y Adultos (grado 11 a 120 años)
- Clases de catequesis para niños con necesidades especiales (autismo, síndrome de Down, etc.)
- Our Parish offers classes of CCD on Weekends-Sunday (at Doral Academy High School) on Weekdays (at Shelton Academy) and on Mondays for Adults
- Academically there is no difference between the Weekday Program (at Shelton) and the Weekend Program (at Doral Academy High School)
- Both programs follow the same curriculum ( and they have the same structure.
- The programs are fully approved by the Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and the Archdiocese of Miami ( )
- The Pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church appoints the Catechists and supervises the program through the Parish Director of Catechesis.
- You may select to attend CCD classes on Sundays or on Weekdays
- Seats are limited and we can accommodate 1200 students per year.
- If you are an Adult you have only one option, the Mondays Program

- Nuestra parroquia ofrece clases de CCD los fines de semana-domingo (en el Doral Academy High School) entre semana (en Shelton Academy) y los lunes para adultos
- Académicamente no hay diferencia entre el programa de día de la semana (Shelton) y el programa de fin de semana (en el Doral Academy High School)
- Ambos programas siguen el mismo plan de estudios ( y tienen la misma estructura.
- Los programas están totalmente aprobados por el Pastor de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y la Arquidiócesis de Miami (
- El Pastor de la Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe nombra a los Catequistas y supervisa el programa a través del Director Parroquial de Catequesis.
- Puede optar por asistir a clases de CCD los domingos o los días de semana
- Los cupos son limitados y podemos acomodar a 1200 estudiantes por año.
- Si eres adulto solo tienes una opción, el programa de los lunes

When you select the Language, keep in mind what is best for the STUDENT… not for the parents or relatives… keep in mind that the STUDENT is the one who will be receiving the classes. It is extremely important they understand what we teach. For your peace of mind, we want you to know that our CCD books are all bilingual (English/Spanish). This makes it easier for you to know what your child is learning, and if your child needs to do any homework you will have it in both languages.
Cuando seleccione el idioma, tenga en cuenta lo que es mejor para el ESTUDIANTE… no para los padres o parientes… tenga en cuenta que el ESTUDIANTE es el que recibirá las clases. Es extremadamente importante que comprendan lo que enseñamos. Para su tranquilidad, queremos que sepa que nuestros libros CCD son todos bilingües (inglés / español). Esto le facilita saber lo que su hijo está aprendiendo, y si su hijo necesita hacer alguna tarea, la tendrá en ambos idiomas.

- 1. Young Adults & Adults (10th grade to 120 years old):
- $ 250.00 annual contribution (can be given in 1 or 10 parts)
- 2. Children & Teens (1st grade to 10th grade)
- Sunday Program at Doral Academy High School
- $ 250.00 annual contribution (can be given in 1 or 10 parts)
- Weekday Program Sponsored by Shelton Academy
- $ 50.00 monthly contribution payable to Shelton Academy
- The weekday program is part of the Afterschool Program of Shelton Academy.
- Sunday Program at Doral Academy High School
- 3. Special Need Children & Teens:
- $ 250.00 annual contribution (can be given in 1 or 10 parts)

5) Difference between the Sunday Program and the Weekday Program
- The Weekdays program is considered to be an extension of the Parish Faith Formation program of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Weekdays program is administrated by Shelton Academy After Care, while the Sunday program is administrated by the Office of Catechesis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
- The Shelton Academy among many other after-school programs offers Religious Education which is under the supervision of the Office of Catechesis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church.
- Shelton does not charge anything to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish for the use of their installations. All expenses (books, uniforms, insurance, etc.) of those attending CCD at Shelton, are covered by Shelton.
- El programa de los días de semana se considera una extensión del programa de formación en la fe de la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. El programa de días de semana es administrado por Shelton Academy After Care, mientras que el programa dominical es administrado por la Oficina de Catequesis de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
- Shelton Academy entre muchos otros programas extracurriculares, ofrecen educación religiosa que está bajo la supervisión de la Oficina de Catequesis de la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
- Shelton no cobran nada a la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe por el uso de sus instalaciones. Todos los gastos (libro, uniformes, seguro, etc.) de los que asisten a CCD en Shelton, están cubiertos por Shelton Academy.

6) Classes begins on…. Las clases comienzan el….
- Young Adults & Adults (11th grade to 120 years old):
- 3rd Monday of September
- Children & Teens (1st grade to 10th grade)
- Sunday Program at Doral Academy High School
- 2nd Sunday of September
- Weekday Program Sponsored by Shelton Academy
- 1st year of Catechesis: 2nd week of September
- 2nd year of Catechesis: 2nd week of September
- Sunday Program at Doral Academy High School
- Special Need:
- 3rd Sunday of September
- Baptism for kids (1st grade to 10th grade)
- 3rd Sunday of September
- Baptism for Adults & Young Adults (11th grade to 120 years old)
- 3rd Monday of September

Young Adults & Adults

Children & Teens

1- All documents MUST be submitted together in order to be accepted in the program
Todos los documentos DEBEN presentarse juntos para ser aceptados en el programa
2- If your child has attended in the last 12 months, classes of religious education in another parish or in a Catholic School, you must present a Transfer Letter or a Certificate of Attendance in order to get credit for one of the two years of CCD
Si su hijo ha asistido en los últimos 12 meses a clases de educación religiosa en otra parroquia o en una escuela católica, debe presentar una carta de transferencia o un certificado de asistencia para obtener crédito por uno de los dos años de CCD.
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