This Program is for Adults and Young Adults
If you are in grade 11th to 12th or an adult
Si ud. esta en grado 11 a 12 o eres un adulto
Click here to read about Catechesis for Children and Teens, grade 1st to 10th
What is RCIA?
Catechism for Young & Adults / R.C.I.A
The rite of Christian initiation for adults (R.C.I.A.) is a religious education program for individuals 16 years of age or older that have not yet received any of the initiation sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation and/or Eucharist. It is also for adults from other faiths that are looking to become members of the Catholic community. Those who have been baptized Catholic, but have not received formal Catholic instruction are also welcome to be part of this program.
Que es el RICA?
Catecismo para Jovenes y Adultos / R.I.C.A
El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos (R.I.C.A.) es un programa de educación religiosa para jóvenes mayores de 16 años o adultos que no hayan recibido los sacramentos de iniciación: Bautismo, Comunión y/o Confirmación, o para adultos de otras tradiciones religiosas que desean investigar las posibilidades de convertirse en miembros de la comunidad católica. Los católicos bautizados que no han tenido un entrenamiento o preparación en la Iglesia también son bienvenidos a este programa. El R.I.C.A. forma adultos preparados en la sabiduría y tradición de la iglesia, ya que por medio de la oración y el estudio profundo de nuestra fe católica, desarrollan un entendimiento y amor esenciales para su formación espiritual.
The RCIA Team
Coordinators: Mr. Miguel Ruiz & Ms. Fransheska Villasmil,
Mr. Oswaldo Yepes, Mrs. Norma Reinefeld, Mrs. Norma Medina, Mr. Jose Maella, Mr. Yesseni Vidartte & Mr. Michaell Martinez
E-Mail: miguel.ruiz@guadalupedoral.org
Phone: Office: 305-593-6123 ext. 501
Period of Formation:
Usually is only one school year of classes, starting in September and ending in May
Class hours: Mondays at Our Lady of Guadalupe parochial offices From 7.00 PM — 8.30 PM
If you are not able to attend this schedule, please let us know to see how can we help you.
Cost: $ 200.00 (includes the books, material used during the formation year, and gowns for the confirmation)
Documents to Submit
Please download the Applications by clicking over the Download Center icon
A) Personal Information: Click on the Download Center icon
B) Copy of your:
1- Birth Certificate
2- Baptism Certificate (if you are baptized) or Affidavit of Baptism (if you are not able to provide a copy of your Baptism Certificate) or Baptism Application Form (if you are not baptized)
3- First Communion Certificate or Affidavit of First Communion
NOTE: if you are not able to provide a copy of your First Communion Certificate please contact Miguel Ruiz (miguel.ruiz@guadalupedoral.org) and he will help
C- Your Donation of: of $ 200.00 (you can give it in 1 or 5 months)
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