Online Encounter for Teens

Dear Parents,

“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” (Jn 14:26)

With much joy and gratitude, we extend to you the opportunity to have the teens of your catechetical families take part in summer faith encounters hosted by the Office of Catechesis via Google Meet.

Mrs. Lourdes Brime one of our Confirmation Catechist for Teen, has been working arduously to prepare these beautiful encounters for teens preparing for Confirmation (Middle School and High School).

The encounters will take place during the month of June

 1st: Session: Thursday, June 11th @ 7:00 PM
 2nd Session: Thursday, June 18th @ 7:00 PM
 3rd Session: Wednesday, June 24th @ 7:00 PM

Please use the following registration link for parents to register or for you to register your teen students:  Click Here

The encounters are free!!

All we ask are open hearts!