we would like to give a gift, a subscription to the catholic online tv and audio platform “formed“.
formed is one of the largest online tv and audio catholic platform. it is a kind of catholic Netflix.
please follow these Simple Steps to Open a FREE FORMED Account and then watch the suggested videos for this Thanksgiving week. you will really enjoy them.

Please follow these steps to open a Free Formed Account you will need to watch the Best Catholic Content on the Web.
- you will see three (3) options, please select “Sign Up as Parishioner”

- After that, you must type in the searcher: 33172 Our Lady of Guadalupe Doral and select Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 11691 NW 25th St. Doral, Fl.
- Then you can create a personal account with your username/email and password.
- Start enjoying the best Catholic content all in one place!
- NOTE: You do not need to pay for the annual subscription, the parish gives it to you for free when you use the PARISH CODE: 33172 Our Lady of Guadalupe Doral
What can you watch?
These are some suggestions for videos or series in Formed.

for teens & adults

for the First Confession of Kids

for the First Confession of Teens & Adults

Por favor siga estos pasos para abrir una Cuenta Gratis de Formed y podra ver el Mejor Contenido Catolico en la Web.
- ud. vera tres (3) opciones, por favor seleccione “Sign Up as Parishioner“

- Luego en el buscador, debe escribir: 33172 Our Lady of Guadalupe Doral y seleccione Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 11691 NW 25th St. Doral, Florida.
- Luego puede crear una cuenta personal con su nombre de usuario / correo electrónico y contraseña.
- ¡Comienza a disfrutar del mejor contenido católico en un solo lugar!
- NOTA: Uds. no deben pagar nada por la suscripcion anual, la parroquia se las da gratis cuando uds. usan el CODIGO PARROQUIAL: 33172 Our Lady of Guadalupe Doral
Que puede ud. ver?
Estas son algunas sugerencias de videos o series en Formed.

para adolecentes y adultos

para la Primera Confesion de niños

para la Primera Confesion de Jovenes & Adultos

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