The retreat is only for students, parents are NOT required to stay.
We kindly ask you for a $10.00 donations to help us cover the expenses of the retreat.
The retreat will be at our Parish Church, 11691 NW 25th Street, Doral, Fl
El retiro es solo para los estudiantes, los papas NO necesitan quedarse.
El retiro se hara en nuestra Iglesia Parroquial, 11691 NW 25th Street, Doral, Fl
Les pedimos amablemente que nos ayuden con $ 10.00 de donacion para cubrir los gastos del retiro
You can send the donation using this link / Puede enviar la donacion usando este link
2025 First Communion Retreat
2025 First Communion Retreat
April 26, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Queridos Padres:
1. Llegue entre las 8:45 AM
2. Dirijase al Salon Parroquial
3. Busque la mesa del catequistas de su hijo (están codificados por colores)
4. Ingrese y deje a su hijo con los catequistas
El Retiro DEBE comenzar a las 9:00 AM en punto
5. Regrese a recojer a su hijo a las 11:20 AM
Dear Parents:
1. Arrive between 8:45 AM
2. Go to the Parish Hall of the Parish
3. Look for your child’s catechist table (they are color-coded)
4. Sign in and leave your child with the catechists
The Retreat MUST begin at 9:00 AM sharp
5. Come back to pick up your child at 11:20 AM
April 26, 2025 from 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Dear Parents:
1. Arrive between 12:15 PM
2. Go to the Parish Hall of the Parish
3. Look for your child’s catechist table (they are color-coded)
4. Sign in and leave your child with the catechists
The Retreat MUST begin at 12:30 PM sharp
5. Come back to pick up your child at 2:50 PM
Queridos Padres:
1. Llegue entre las 12:15 PM
2. Dirijase al Salon Parroquial
3. Busque la mesa del catequistas de su hijo (están codificados por colores)
4. Ingrese y deje a su hijo con los catequistas
The Retreat MUST begin at 12:30 PM sharp
5. Regrese a recojer a su hijo a las 2:50 PM
ID Tag, the Our Lady of Guadalupe White T-Shirt, comfortable pants, and shoes.
No book- No Backpack
The use of mask is optional – El uso de mascara es opcional
Snack: We will serve some cookies and water
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