By the grace of God, we have been able to get 1300 white masks with the picture of our Mother of Guadalupe.
We will be giving 1 mask as soon as we receive them. We will notify you by e-mail when you can pick them up.
They are free, but we would like to ask for your collaboration so we can cover the printing expenses. If you can donate $ 2.00 we will really appreciate it.
Each Candidate who will receive First Communion or Confirmation in 2021 will receive a facemask
Por la gracia de Dios hemos podido conseguir 1300 máscaras blancas con la imagen de nuestra Madre de Guadalupe.
Vamos a dar 1 máscara a tan pronto como los recibamos. Le notificaremos cuando podran recogerlos via e-mail.
Son gratis, pero nos gustaría pedir su colaboración para que podamos cubrir los gastos de impresion. Si usted puede donar $ 2.00 realmente lo apreciaremos.
Cada Candidato que reciba la Primera Comunion o la Confirmacion en el 2021 recibira una mascara.
Special thanks to TAG Technology for your generous donation
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