Easter Vigil Mass

Dear Family congratulation, the BIG DAY has arrived

You will be receiving the Holy Sacraments of Initiation on Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 8.00 PM

Get ready for this special moment by praying and reading the Holy Bible… GET READY because our Lord is coming to your soul

Steps to follow when I arrive at Church

Please when you arrived at Church follow these steps:

  1. The Holy Mass will begin at 8:00 PM,
  2. Candidates and their Sponsors must arrive between 6:30 PM and 6:45 PM 
  3. Come early so you will not have a problem with parking
  4. Once you arrive the Sponsor and the Candidate must present themselves at the Front of the Main Church
  5. From there we will walk to the Daily Chapel to do the Preparatory Rites
  6. Parents must take a seat at their assigned pews.
  7. Relatives do not have assigned pews, but they can seat in any available pew.
  8. The Mass will take more or less 2 1/2 hours. SO please eat something before coming to Church

Pasos que debo seguir al llegar a la Iglesia

Por favor, cuando llegaste a la Iglesia, sigan estos pasos:

  1. La Santa Misa comenzará a las 8:00 PM,
  2. Los candidatos y sus padrinos deben llegar entre las 6:30 PM & 6:45 PM (por favor coman algo liviano antes de venir a la Iglesia)
  3. Venga temprano, así no tendrá problema con el estacionamiento
  4. Una vez que llegue el padrino o el candidato deben presentarse en la Puerta Principal de la Iglesia.
  5. Desde alli iremos en Procesion hasta la Capilla de Misa Diaria donde se haran los Ritos Preparatorios.
  6. Los padres deben sentarse en las bancas asignadas a ellos.
  7. Los parientes no tienen bancas asignadas, sin embargo pueden sentarse en cualquier banca que este disponible.
  8. La Misa tomará más o menos 2 1/2 horas. Por favor, coma algo antes de venir a la Iglesia.

Dress Code 

For Girls/ Ladies

  1. Baptism White gown
  2. Formal dress / Vestido de salir
  3. Formal shoes (no sneakers)/Zapatos de vestir (No tenis)
  4. Simple Hairstyle in a pony tail/ Peinado Sencillo al estilo de una cola de caballo
  5. Please remember that Father will sign your forehead with Holy Oil… please use a simple hairstyle and keep free your forehead.

For Boys/Gentleman 

  1. Baptism White gown
  2. White long sleeve shirt /Camisa blanca de mangas largas
  3. Black Pants / Pantalón azul o negro
  4. Red/Blue or White Tie / Corbata Roja, Azul o Blanca
  5. Dark dress shoes (no sneakers)/ Zapatos Oscuros (no tenis)

For parents and Sponsors

  1. Mass attire, Dress modestly and tastefully, we suggest wearing suit/tie for men and formal dress for women.
  2. REMEMBER that we will be attending a mass and we must come well dressed.
  3. Please do not ware JEANS or SNEAKERS

Where Will the Candidate, Sponsor and Parents seat

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Photo Package

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Live Transmission of the Holy Mass

The Holy Mass will be transmitted live online via our Youtube Channel

Please click here to Open the Channel

La Santa Misa se transmitira en vivo a traves de nuestro Canal en Youtube

Por favor haga click aqui para abrir el Canal