Confirmation Retreat


Saturday, March 1st, 2025 from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
For CCD Teens attending classes
with the following catechists:

Klobys Castellanos, Loida Martinez,
Patricia Williams, Carlos Meza, Gustavo Rincon
Adriana Cisneros & Iris Bolanos

Click here to see the List of Students attending this retreat

Saturday, March 1st, 2025 from 2:30 PM – 6:30 PM
For CCD Teens & Young Adults attending classes
with the following catechists:

Rommel Uzcategui, Irama Gonzalez,
Claudia Bailly, Oswaldo Yepes,
Mariluz Hernandez & Norma Medina

Click here to see the List of Students attending this retreat

Click over the picture to see when
and at what time is your retreat?
List of Participants by ABCD Order

Parish Hall Layout & Schedule
by Retreat


* During the retreat, we will have the rehearsal of the confirmation ceremony.
* The retreat will begin at
—— 900 AM (morning retreat)
—— 230 PM (afternoon retreat)
* Please arrive at 15 minutes before so you can Register
* The retreat will finish after the Holy Mass.
____ 1245 PM (morning retreat)
——- 630 PM (afternoon retreat)
* We will offer light snacks, so please let yourself have a good lunch/breakfast at home.
* Mark your attendance at the retreat by clicking on the orange icon.

Please visit this link to see the Photography packages for the Confirmation Ceremony.

If you have any questions let me know via email at


* Durante el retiro tendremos el ensayo de la ceremonia de confirmacion
* El retiro comenzará a las
——- 900 AM (morning retreat)
——- 230 PM (afternoon retreat)
* Llegue 15 minutos antes para que pueda registrarse
* El retiro terminará después de la Santa Misa.
—— 1245 PM (morning retreat)
—— 630 PM (aftenoon retreat)
* Ofreceremos un snack ligero, así que por favor tenga un buen almuerzo/desayuno en casa
* Por favor mark tu asistencia al retiro haciendo click en el icono naranja.

  • Le pedimos amablemente una pequeña donación de $ 10:00 dólares que se puede dar en este enlace:

Visite este enlace para ver los paquetes de fotografía para la Ceremonia de Confirmación.

Si tienes alguna duda házmelo saber escribiéndome a

Dress Code

The Guadalupe T-Shirt
CONFORTABLE pants & shoes
No back pack/NO book

For Adult Candidates taking classes on Mondays

Students from Mrs. Norma Medina, Norma Alvarez,
Yessi Vidarte & Michael Martinez
Their retreat will be on

English RCIA retreat: May 12th, 2025 from 700 PM – 900 PM
Retiro de RCIA en Espanol: May 12th, 2025 from 700 PM – 900 PM

List of RCIA Students