- Jubilee 2025
What do we celebrate in the 2025 Jubilee Year? This Jubilee Year is dedicated to celebrate the 2,025th Anniversary of…
- The Way of the Cross
Lord, may the meditation of your Passion and Death encourage us and help us to take the cross of each day and follow You
- Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Para este año vamos a hablar sobre las diferentes Advocaciones de la Virgen María. Cada día de la novena, los…
- Calendar 2024-2025
OFFICIAL 2024-2025 CCD E-CALENDAR This is the official Calendar for the CCD & RCIA classes. The calendar might be adjusted during…
- The Bible
Do you want to listen to the Entire Bible in a Year?Quieres escuchar la Biblia Entera en un Año? List…
- Pre-Registration List 2025/2026
The Pre -Registrations for CCD 2025-2026 is open,Click here to place your name in the Pre-Registration 2025-2026 Las Pre-Inscripciones para…
- Baptism for RCIA 2025
Click over the Baptism Icon where you will find all the information you need to know for the Baptism/Confirmation/Communion Massand Previous…
- First Communion 2025
Click over the First Communion Icon where you will find all the information you need to know for the First…
- Confirmations 2025
Click over the Confirmation Icon where you will find all the information you need to know for the Confirmation Masses…
- Divine Mercy in English
Introduction to the Divine Mercy Novena Praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy First Day Second Day Third Day Fourth Day…
- Divina Misericordia en Español
Primer día de la Novena a la Divina Misericordia Segundo día de la Novena a la Divina Misericordia Tercer día…
- Formed.org
we would like to give a gift, a subscription to the catholic online tv and audio platform “formed“. formed is…
- Parish Email Setup – Join your Google Classroom
Please watch the following videos.. Por favor vea los siguientes videos
- Mass Attendance Log
During this Catechetical Year 2023-2024, please log your Mass Attendance in the Mass Attendance Log Form. that you will find…
- Online Books
Please visit this page to see the books we use in our Program
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